Thursday, November 8, 2007

Translation Tools

Translation tools from Chinese to English (vice versus) are still not really up to par. This is a recent translation performed from an email sent by the Admin department. The emails are all in Chinese and sometimes I use the translation tool to decipher. Let's have a look.

Dear All:

- Basically this email talks about the mandatory medical inspection which took place. It is required by law for employees to get the periodic health check.
An attachment to the email outlined the specific inspections taking place.

Ⅰ 常规
A 内科 1)心律 2)杂音 3)锁骨上淋巴结 4)腹部 5)心率
6)血压 7)神经系统 8)肺 9)肝 10)脾
B 外科 1)甲状腺 2)颈 3)淋巴结 4)疝 5)脊柱 6)四肢 7)肛门检查
8)外生殖器 9)前列腺 10)皮肤 11)双乳
C 眼科 1)眼底检查 2)眼脸 3)结膜 4)角膜 5)晶状体 6)玻璃体
D 五官科 1)耳(左、右) 2)鼻 3)咽 4)鼻咽 5)扁桃体 6)喉
Ⅱ 妇科
1)外阴 2)阴道 3)宫颈 4)宫体 5)化验:滴虫、霉菌、白带常规、宫颈防癌涂片
Ⅲ 心电图1)心律失常 2)心肌梗塞 3)心肌炎 4)心肌病 5)冠心病 6)心包炎
Ⅳ B超1)肝 2)胆 3)胰 4)脾 5)双肾
Ⅴ 血液生化
1) 尿素(Bu) 肾功能检测标志
2) 肌肝(Cr) 肾功能检测标志
3) 表面抗原(HBsAg)如检查结果呈阳性,免费加查二对半(新检查方法)
4) 肝功能(ALT) r-GT 慢性肝炎诊断指标
5) 血糖(Glu)
6) 胆固醇(Tcho)
7) 甘油三脂(T.C)
8) 血常规
9) 甲胎蛋白 肝肿瘤检测标志
10) 尿酸
11) 尿常规
Ⅵ X光胸片

Now onto the translation...

Medical projects Details
I conventional
A medical
1) rhythm
2) murmur
3) supraclavicular lymph node
4) abdominal
5) HR
6) Blood Pressure
7) nervous system
8) lung
9) hepatic
10) Spleen

B surgery
1) Thyroid
2) carotid
3) lymph node
4) hernia
5) spinal
6) limbs
7) anal inspection - I wonder what this is??!
8) genitalia
9) prostate
10) Skin

C Eye

1) fundus examination
2) eyes Face
3) conjunctival
4) corneal
5) lens
6) vitreous

D facial features
1) ears (left and right)
2) Nasal
3) pharyngeal
4) nasopharynx
5) tonsil
6) jets

Ⅱ gynecological
1) genital 2) Vaginal 3) Cervical 4) Palace 5) Laboratory: Trichomonas, Streptomyces, Leucorrhea conventional, cervical cancer prevention smear

Ⅲ ECG 1) arrhythmia 2) myocardial infarction 3) myocarditis 4) cardiomyopathy 5) CHD 6) pericarditis
IV B-1) Liver 2) bile 3) Pancreatic 4) spleen 5) renal

Ⅴ blood biochemical
1) urea (Bu) detected signs of renal function
2) muscle liver (Cr) detected signs of renal function
3) surface antigen (HBsAg) in the case of positive results, two pairs of free check-plus (the new method)
4) liver function (ALT) r-GT indicators of chronic hepatitis diagnosis
5) glucose (Glu)
6) cholesterol (Tcho)
7) triglyceride (T.C)
8) blood
9) AFP liver tumors detected signs
10) uric acid
11) urine routine
X-ray chest film Ⅵ

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